About the service
“Newday Nursing Home is a residential care home providing personal and nursing care to 34 people aged 65 and over at the time of the inspection. The service can support up to 37 people.”
What the CQC say about the Digital Care Suite
“The registered manager had encouraged people’s engagement with the service. Each person had their own mobile messaging group to enable regular contact and sharing of information between the service, people and their relatives.”
“We saw that each group had a number of family members involved and that conversations were free-flowing.”
“People shared updates about their activities with relatives within the ‘group chat’ and where people could not use a telephone to type, staff, supported them to send voice recordings to the group.”
“The feedback given in these family groups was overwhelmingly positive, with relatives thanking staff for updates, sharing their delight at being able to get pictures and videos of their loved ones and getting support and advice from staff. This system had enabled relatives who are not local to still be involved in the service and their family member’s care.”
“In addition to the family group chats, people were given the opportunity to provide more formal feedback in residents meetings and via questionnaires. Where people provided feedback that identified concerns, the registered manager had been proactive in using these to drive improvements.”