Smarter and More Collaborative
Create the operational efficiencies you need to ensure safety in your homes.
KareInn’s Event Management feature enables you to manage systematically, every care event that happens in your care homes including accidents and incidents, falls, seizures and ABCs (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence).
Care home managers are acutely aware that residents may have more than one event within a short time frame. Managing these multiple events and the assessments and follow-up actions that go with them requires a robust event tracking system and dashboard.
KareInn’s Dashboard enables management to track trends across each home for every type of event. With one click you can drill down to the individual event history and reassess the event as many times as it takes before the case is signed-off and archived by management.

”KareInn ensures we meet CQC regulations and evidence the great work we do towards KLOEs, which is so important for a safe service quality director.
Care Service Quality Director
Dealing with events including accidents and incidents.
The principal reason care homes need to keep track of incidents and accidents is to identify specific trends so that they can take actions to reduce or eliminate the cause of those events. This demonstrates good and effective care and helps care homes monitor individuals to identify potential increases in dependency.
An individual, for example, with declining mobility, may start to fall more often and actions can be taken to increase care. Or, an individual who’s had a change in medication may start to reject food, and this data can be shared with the GP and actions can be taken at the home level too. By recording these events the nursing staff, management and family can be informed and take decisions around that person’s care.
When creating events your home will need to look at indicators. For example, how many falls or incidents would warrant flagging the issue. The home will also need to establish a review process – reviewing, monitoring, checking and diagnosing.
Taking these steps in your care home ensures residents are kept safe and that the registered manager is doing her job. Evidencing that the home is providing safe and effective care for its residents is an ongoing task and one made a whole lot easier with digital care planning and data analytics.
KareInn enables you to identify patterns in data and establish pre-emptive care measures across your care homes.
Learn more about KareInn’s other features: CQC Compliance, Management Dashboard, Care Plan Builder, Care Delivery Monitoring, Clinical Workflows, Pre-Admissions, Resident and Family Portal, Event Management, KareInn Global Integrations.