Smarter and More Collaborative
Future proof your care home business.
It’s great to have options when choosing a new digital care planning software and at KareInn our integration and migration tools enable you to make the transition to our software seamless.
With KareInn Global Integrations you can choose from our partners’ eMar, Staff Rostering, Audit Management and Billing & Payment Management or keep your own solutions, it’s your choice.
Our platform enables data to be safely shared across your systems, improving performance and saving time by eliminating the need for manual data transfers.

Achieve better outcomes through deeper integrations and data analytics
At KareInn, our purpose is to help the care industry as a whole achieve better outcomes. We think the key principle in doing that is capturing meaningful data and enabling a rich integration between different technologies and data sources.
There are plenty of integrations that offer surface-level value, but lack strategic, long-term value.
Most importantly, we know we need to make software that’s effortless for you to use, and that delivers instant insights that are easy to understand and act on.
Here are two examples of how that deeper, richer integration could reap real rewards for your residents, your quality of care and your financial viability.
Firstly, the integration between Ally’s wireless acoustic monitoring systems and the KareInn care home software.
The integration we have brings a whole host of clear benefits and rapid improvements, with care homes seeing a:
55% reduction in night-time falls, a
20% drop in hospital admissions and a
75% reduction in the number of potentially disruptive physical night-time checks by staff.
That’s amazing, but we want to ensure an even deeper integration.
If we see someone is sleep-deprived or experiencing unrest during the night, we want to link that into other causal data and symptomatic behaviours. What’s their general mood, are they anxious, what medication are they taking, how much are they drinking during the day?
When systems start drawing in all of that data and automatically analysing it to reveal trends, you could identify risks, triggers, causes and effects, and be better placed to improve physical and emotional care for that person. For all people. The knock-on effect of enabling longer, healthier lives is, to turn to the financial for a moment, more cost-effective for you.
Secondly, an example of a real shift in the software/care home group relationship.
Transformation needs to be more than digitising paper forms and integrating systems just to say hello. We get our clients on board early in the process and work with them in a collaborative, two-way relationship approach. One where we help make ongoing improvements, guided by our clients’ input, which we can share throughout the care industry.
We’ve developed a dependency tool, in collaboration with one of our residential and dementia care home clients. It’s not a bespoke tool and is available to all care homes using KareInn.
The dependency tool sets baseline values for conditions and levels of competencies for a resident, and how long it takes one or two carers – or nurses, for that matter – to carry out core responsibilities with that resident. Over time it tracks trends to see individual deterioration or responsiveness. It gives you actual, actionable data every time you enter notes.
This is important because you’re not only able to see problems and start giving better one-to-one time and care immediately; you’re not just saving time and money and becoming equipped to better plan rotas, recruitment, staff numbers and allocations.
There’s something more…
Now you’ll have the irrefutable, detailed statistics needed to go back to the funder or multiple funders – particularly local authorities – and say, actually, this person’s dependency is now at this level, and request additional funding. That can have a huge impact. This richer seam of data allows care homes to both plan for and react to funding needs far sooner, and feeds funding decision-makers with better information – the true cost of care – potentially setting more appropriate levels across the board in future.
What these projects share is a collaborative approach and a shift in mindset toward unlocking data to deliver a better digital transformation. We support care homes along a journey that will benefit the way we care as a sector
And with the right approach to implementing and rolling out a system that’s designed to help you make long-term improvements in care, you can build real excitement and positivity, rather than fear of change or under-use of the system’s capabilities and potential.
It’s on us to make sure the software feeds you the right information at just the right time, to make acting on it easily and effortlessly.
Partnering with a digital care planning solution that ensures deep integrations and data analytics is an essential part of future-proofing your business. Click here to find out more and to book a demo of our software.
Learn more about KareInn’s other features: CQC Compliance, Management Dashboard, Care Plan Builder, Care Delivery Monitoring, Clinical Workflows, Pre-Admissions, Resident and Family Portal, Event Management, KareInn Global Integrations.